For Instructors: How to View Schedule in MINDBODY

For Instructors: How to View Schedule in MINDBODY

Instructors can access the Appointments schedule (picture below) and by following these instructions:
  1. Log into MINDBODY 
  2. Click Tab "Appointments"
  3. On the right hand side you will see a drop down that says "All Staff" click on that box and it will dorp down to allow you to select the staff you are looking to view their schedule.  You can select all 3 of your schedules (Anne Auburn, Anne Portland, Anne Gannet) and they will all appear to the right, side by side.  The fully gray area (like below) means you do not have a schedule for that time frame.  White area means you are scheduled to be there but do not currently have anyone scheduled for that time.  If you see a participant's name means you are booked during that time.  Make sure to scroll up and down to view your entire day.

  4. On the left side you can move from date to date
    1. Keep in mind, that you might select a date on the left and it will populate a schedule for another staff other than you.  If you do not see yourself on that day, that means you are not scheduled for that day.

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