November 2018 UMedTech/SKY Release Notes

November 2018 UMedTech/SKY Release Notes


Hello Everyone,      

      In an effort to continue to keep you informed of recent updates within our UMedTech platform, we want to share the most recent release notes with you. This month the team has been working hard and have made some great strides in the platform, below is the activity we are excited to release. With these updates, we hope that your user experience continues to improve. We encourage you to continue to contact us whenever you find area of the platform that could use future improvements.


The UMED Team

Platform Improvements

Improvement #  1 

Title:  Recurring Schedule for Data Collection Instrument

Feedback from you has led to an improvement in the data collection instrument. Once an instrument is assigned to a Member user; Staff users with Manager or Admin permissions can review, edit and change the scheduling component for each instrument. This will provide the Staff user more customization for the Member and the instrument assigned.

Improvement # 2 

Title: Release Workflow Updates

  • VO2 
  • Dashboard: PCP Info
  • Member Search, Member Count
  • Reports Goal Change Values  
  • Graphs
  • PDF Management


These features involved time spent on the validation of workflow calculations and corrections. A workflow is defined as the users ability to navigate within the platform to accomplish a task. Below is a breakout of the components you'll find updated in this release improvement.

VO2 - Calculations and Workflow
The Team addressed reports of certain Staff user roles and permissions having sporadic changes in the VO2 calculations and reporting. The team was able to identify and trouble shoot.

Dashboard: PCP Info
The PCP Info Reporting section wasn't presenting data for certain Staff user roles and permissions as reported from feedback. The team has corrected the PCP info section and tested the multiple roles and permissions associated to it. 

Member Search, Tracking and Reporting
embers being assigned the Member Status of Inactive/Freeze Membership, Discontinued, Medical Hold, and Prospect were being removed from their originally assigned Member Groups and therefor unable to be searched for in the Member search box. This has been improved to now assign any Member that is moved to one of the above listed Member Statuses to a default group, "Unassigned Members".  Those Members will now be found by searching in the Member search box.

Member Count
Accurate Count tracking was identified, corrected and addressed in the code for Member tabulation. Corresponding reporting of the group member counts are now presenting accurately within the correct roles and permission views.

Reports Goals Change Values
While reviewing this field within the reports we found incorrect data populating in the Initial Evaluation Reports for certain roles and permissions; The Values are based on the Current Values and Goal Values and have been corrected. Will this be corrected for all past entered data and entered data in the future.

Graphs Missing or Not Presenting Data
Some Member users and Staff users relayed to us that graphs were not being showcased even though there was data for the graph to pull from. This was a graphing engine that we found some issues in and corrected. This update will provide a cleaner interface with the data captured and reporting throughout the system.

PDF & Downloads
As the team reviewed all the necessary documents that could be downloaded as a PDF, we discovered some issues that arose from content population, log management and printing. The Team has taken the time to improve all the areas that a PDF or any external content can be generated which will improve the generation of a PDF for download.



We are always here to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us!

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