October 2018 UMedTech Platform Release Notes

October 2018 UMedTech Platform Release Notes



In an effort to continue to keep you informed of recent updates within our UMedTech platform, we want to

share the most recent release notes with you. You will find them to be very brief this month yet the developers
have been busy on the back end making technical fixes. 

With these updates, we hope that your user experience continues to improve. We encourage you to continue to 

contact us whenever you find areas of the platform that could use further improvement!


The UMED Team


Platform Improvements

Improvement # 1

Title: Increase to Character Limit in Comments Box in Progress Report 


The character limit within the Comments Box in the Progress Report has been increased to allow for more
detailed notes from the clinicians regarding bio-metric changes from initial intake to the most current values collected.

Improvement # 2

Title:  Cover Letter for Progress Report


The cover letter that is provided within the platform for the Progress Report will now be included when a PDF of this document is downloaded. This cover letter automatically populates the member's name and date of birth, as well as the physician's name and Program Manager or Clinical Director that is faxing the member report.


We are always here to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us!


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