Red Exclamation Alert in UMedTech Platform Direct Messages

Red Exclamation Alert in UMedTech Platform Direct Messages

The UMedTech platform allows all users (members and staff) to use confidential messaging between users to protect PHI. If you are seeing a red exclamation point next to your Inbox or Sent messages this is because you have received a new message or a response to a sent message. 

A red exclamation point next to Inbox means you have a new message that has been received from a member such as displayed below: 

A red exclamation point next to Sent Messages means you have a new reply from a member to a message that you sent such as displayed below:

If the alert is not going away, please ensure you scroll through all pages of "Sent Messages" to see all possible replies. You must open the message to have the alert disappear. 

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