UMedTech (a.k.a SKY) Release V7

UMedTech (a.k.a SKY) Release V7

UMedTech (a.k.a SKY) Release V7

Since the release of our proprietary UMedTech platform, or as our early adopters know it as "SKY", we have worked hard to continue improving the site to best meet your needs. We value you as a partner and want to ensure that you are the first to know about these improvements and updates within our system. For this reason we are providing you with these Release Notes to give you a brief description of the new features and fixes that we hope will improve your day to day use of the site. 




The UMED Team


New Features


Global Feature #1:  This global release provided the breakout and module development of the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Integration Module. This is a standard single sign-on that allows users to log into applications based on their session in another context. This ability provides the user seamless access across different login environments.

Feature #1: User Interface "UI" Quick Navigation Addition

Increased security and global platform enhancements have been an important focus in this release along with updates that will provide positive improvements in efficiency. Foundation UI additions were made to the quick navigation in the user profile box. These new options in the Dashboard Views allow for quick navigation providing more efficient ways to access content. 



Feature #2: Ability to Edit Previous Submission of Instrument 

This new feature allows the staff user to edit the submission of a saved instrument. This critical update will assist staff users in ensuring that the data captured within each instrument is correct and thorough by allowing staff users to interact with the instrument submission on multiple occasions, if necessary. This feature will promote accuracy and improve the data collection process.




Improvement #1: 'Reply All' Feature for Direct Messages

This is an exciting feature that will improve the direct communication and interaction you can have with your members while also keeping other staff members on your team up to date. The improved features allow key communication and engagement through messaging that functions similar to email. 


Improvement #2: Engagement Report Cover Page

This report cover page provides a detailed legend to aid in the understanding of the relative content and data found within this report. The cover page provides an explanation of various data points collected throughout the platform as well as how the data is indicative of member progress or decline.

Improvement #3: Time Out Feature When Closing Out the Browser

Once a staff user or member stops working in the platform, an idle clock will now begin a countdown to log off the staff user or member. If that user revisits within the alloted countdown, the platform will allow that user back in; if they do not interact with the platform within that alloted countdown time than they will be logged out. This improvement provides customization for the administration set up and the ability to conform to client's security requirements. 


Improvement #4: Access to View PDF of Survey Submissions

Additional permissions and roles have been improved in the core of the PDF manager which will provide better access and function of the downloadable reports. 


Improvement #5: Forgot Password Reset Workflow

Resetting passwords has become easier for our members as we have updated this process for greater ease of use. The password reset option is now clearly located on the login home page where members will now be able to see this option.




We are focused on continual support and management of the UMED sites. When we run into specific code breaks that relate to errors in the platform, we rank them in severity and push them through our IT management process to be addressed. One goal of this release has been to repair any issues that are related to the staff user experience. We have fixed the following areas of the platform:


Fix #1: The ability to interact with the Initial Evaluation Report has been improved through editing in Comment Boxes, Plan of Care Notes and Summary Problems List. 


Fix #2: The Clinician Signature field management and presentation in the HIPAA Survey and Initial Evaluation Report has been fixed.

Fix #3: Fix in filtering by group within the Dashboard Analytics Section.




Operations Update #1: Member Count Client Enhancement

The member count has long been an area of focus on how we can improve the way we efficiently track members in a group. The ability to accurately track each individual member's engagement opens up the ability for better utilization mapping and reporting metrics within the specific organization down to the group level. Enhancements in this specific module had been released in Sprint 6 and led to some exciting next steps in internal counting, allocation and group management in this current release. 


Operations Update #2: Administrator Permissions Module

We have made operational improvements in our Administrator Permissions  Module. This configuration takes place during corporate client set up and provides additional features that improved efficiency and security. 
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